What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen in London?
What is the strangest thing you’ve come across or learned about your ancestors while researching?
Vomiting after worming
Sickness after worming
What food do you miss that seems to have disappeared?
Kidney Transplant because of IgAN
What time will Bruce start at Wembley?
Confession: I have never brushed my puppy’s teeth and she is 11 months old. How bad is this?
What breed(s) is your puppy and why did you choose your breed?
Day 2 of no training accidents
Am I the only person who hasn’t noticed that the lion on Tate & Lyles golden syrup is not only dead by rotting away?
You've been kidnapped. The last person you saw on a tv series is coming to save you. Who is it?
What restaurant do you refuse to eat in?
What's an incredibly British thing Brits don't realize is British?
What crazy things happened in the last 30 years that you still find unbelievable?
Do people still buy spam?
How skint are you right now?
Does the UK have a sole survivor policy like in Saving Private Ryan?
Do you regret the path your life took? If yes what do you wish you’d done differently?
Do you regret the path your life took? If so what would you have done differently in hindsight
What are places you should visit before you die?
How do you get an appointment to see your GP?
Anyone else have issues getting to see a doctor?
What's a song lyric you always sing incorrectly even though you know it's wrong?
What is the craziest thing you have been ID’d for?