Questions about Law School App from an Australian Freshman!
congrats !! you found the lucky law school admissions cat. upvote for an A !!!
Legitimately probably the most irritating Cambridge Outcome
Engineering law
Oxford vs. Harvard: Please help me decide...
am i cooked (3A* offer)
Cambridge Natural Sciences place (Im so happy! :D)
Aaaahhhhhh Cambridge Law bread!!!
Linguistics bread :)
Still absolutely shell-shocked
caius cambridge burnt bread :(
Just a chill guy, offer day doesn't scare me
Good Luck everyone
Help me to choose between UCL and U of T
Do I need to purchase CAS right now?
Cambridge decisions in the air
UCAS app finally sent
I can feel the Cambridge Rejection already 🔥😝
What does it take to get into lse accounting and finance
sheffield 🍞
Imperial burnt bread
rejected from imperial 🥰