I hate first person because i’m soooo intellectual
I am a time traveler who has read all 5 books.
Onyx Storm buffet! (no spoilers)
Onyx Storm
40 more days until Onyx Storm and I am growing restless. So here are my notes.
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
If you could confront a character…🤺
Are we really doing this AGAIN?
🍊 Oranges
Zihnal Gifts
Favorite Onyx Storm Quote
Why Panchek?
So I have a question about Jesinia…
Pediatric heart transplant recipients
Question question questions
How can it get worse? The W theory.
First time reader asks: are these plot holes? Or what am I not getting?
Xaden character development
How can it get worse? The W Theory
Of the 3 books, which ending has been your favorite?
What are the books you reluctantly read (or almost did not read) because the book cover is ugly?
fourth wing chapter 21 question
when did she get the letters?
Completed Iron Flame Notes
Possible unpopular opinion