What do you wish you hadn't been using to get off?
What was the most eye opening thing about being part of ARAD?
Tips for a online chat turned hookup?
Your best late night tips for increasing the size of your load?
What fictional sex concept do you wish was a reality?
What's the riskiest place you've done the deed?
How would you describe your body in 3 words?
What is your sex goal for 2025?
Why do guys like small boobs?
If ur friend was interested in someone, and you knew there was past infedility, would u tell ur friend beforehand?
How many times do you orgasm during sex?
Men.. Dry vs Lube
Body hair. How do you like it?
What’s something that drives you wild?
Does anyone herd about yanks.com?
How often do you look at other posters profiles?
What’s the most upvoted nude you’ve ever posted?
What words slipped out at the height of passion that you weren't looking to share?
Who was the one who got away?
What's the best outcome you've had from a chat message on reddit?
What is a kink that you can shame?
What's your unique body party trick?
What's your most surprising sex stat?
21 f college student. Never had sex before because I’m scared. How can I bring myself to just get it over with? I want to do it but I just can’t bring myself to. Give advice on how I can convince myself
Do you want your profile summarized with one word or phrase taken from your posts or comments?