Ulan biz ciddi ciddi gelecekte bir iç savaş yaşayabilir miyiz?
Can you suggest Greek music to me according to my taste ?
Muhalefet CHP neden 19. yy Osmanlı değişimini ve batılılaşmasını halka anlatamıyor. Neden Atatürk devrimlerinin Osmanlı zamanında başladığını konuşmuyor?
Why should we Turks fight and die for the lands that we cannot even visit without a visa, which is denied most of the times?
Turkey's İs Glda A.S., which operates KFC and Pizza Hut franchises across Turkey, announced on February 12 that it would begin laying off workers after declaring bankruptcy with debts of 7.7 billion Turkish liras.
Who is one person in your country’s history that has played a significant role in developing the country and making it what it has become today?
Non-Turks who been in Turkey, did you in fact notice such a huge difference in cross-gender friendships compared to yours?
Cross gender friendship around the world
What do Muslim/Conservative Turks thing of Attaturk, the war of independence, and his Reforms ?
DEM Parti, TBMM’ye “Kürtçe resmi dil olsun” teklifini sundu.
What do you like most about your country?
Why is Reddit not that popular in Greece comparing to other european countries?
Does an average Turk visits or plans to visit Greece for vacation in their lifetime?
Neden küçük çocuklar acı çekiyor?
What do you think?
How is WW1 taught in schools?
Dinler neden yasaklar?
What do non-Arabs of this sub think of Arabs?
Which culture wore these types of attire, and why are Arabs associated with it?
What are some unique music genres from Armenia ?
What are some unique music genres from Greece ?
What are some unique music genres from Iran ?
Türk halkının tarih bilmemesi ve yaşadığı günleri unutması.
MetroPOLL Araştırma, Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçim anketini yayınladı: Aradaki fark %18,4
Kişisel olarak seni en çok etkileyen filozof kim?
Do you have an equivalent to "If I can't have it, nobody can." in your language?