Wife wants to name our twins Romeo and Juliet
What to do with this space?
Please can someone tell me what my cat is doing 😅
Cracked, puffed up plaster walls from what?
Taking a candle making class at my apartment
What's the easiest edible plant to grow?
A mother sheep leaves her newborn in the field over night , and this dog stayed out to protect it.. 🥺
how to fix my bleach damaged hair (budget friendly plz)
please please help me she has never acted like this
🔥Young Raccoon Narrowly Avoids Becoming A Meal
39M recently divorced. Life is good can't complain.
lesbians, are you friends with your ex(s). why or why not
what to heck is this?
AITAH for refusing to wake up at 5 AM just to “experience the morning” with my girlfriend?
Extreme itching I’m going insane
this cursed statue that my mom has had my whole life
Is the texture of my labia skin normal?
Month 4 of Vaginal Hell. Desperate for help.
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed
Glider chair resting too far back
What movie traumatized you when you were a child?
Is anyone else’s home, kind of noisy?
things to do during t break to keep me busy?
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
1800 attic