/r/PTCGP Trading Post
What is your most played game?
playing on psp
Film önerir misiniz
What mask would go well with this?
LC for this titanic split zipup 🙏🙏
I think infernal akali looks like doodoo, my friend disagrees: help settle a debate
What would you remove from turkey?
authentic ?
can't get over it
Card leaked from the new set
Monetization için öneri
200K ile orta-uzun vade yatırım tavsiyesi
400k tl yatırım önerisi
Arkadaşa ihtiyacım var...
Biraz Tavsiye, Biraz Dertleşme
6.8 M ile ne yaparsınız?
Lc please im like 95% sure its fake but lmk
need a team comp
how much should i spend for the aw04 anti war shirts?
need LC tommy
URF Teleport??
0 hakaret ile nasıl bu uyarıyı aldım.
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