r/RAoC - Postcard Inventory
My FIL has taken up woodcarving in his retirement, and is working on a pike. I think Willy would approve.
I just created a Voidborn Reptilian species, but nobody told me they'd be born from a giant glory hole at the edge of the galaxy.
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 11
Unlocking the Hit Songs of 1984
Boatmurdered | Down the Rabbit Hole
This is dark! Darkest thing we’ve ever done! 😂😂😂
Has any semi-celebrities, or semi-famous people appeared on regular Jeopardy in the past few years besides Survivor alum Drew Basile?
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 10
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 9
Has this game got any updates
Texas State Rep Nate Schatzline celebrating that a children's school in his district has been ranked the #1 most unvaccinated school in Texas, a state going through a measles outbreak
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 8
Can you 3D print a dildo?
What is the *Angriest* Hip Song?
What flag of Sweden is this (wrong answers only)
“I sold it as an opium den…”
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 6
Layer 5: Things 5% - 20% of all fans would know. Also I added one extra one to the other layers.
A Boeing B-29 Superfortress, the biggest bomber plane in WW2, next to its replacement, the Convair B-36 Peacemaker, at Carswell Air Force Base, Ft. Worth, Texas. June, 1948. (Not ww2 but gives you a sense of scale of the size difference)
I’m not religious and am confused, was there an actual human being Jesus?
Fun experiment for the good P1
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 5
Choose the Face that Matches Your Week- Your Time Starts Now.
Weird FD of the Day -- Mar 4