Does the Rolling Loud CM got exclusive info on Carti?
Carti's live performances are overrated
I’m seriously starting to think Carti lurks on this sub
If Carti was dropping this week we’d get snippets and more music related stuff so Carti can relish in the overwhelming glaze from the internet
Just pushed the album back 6 months
New car from the refunds money
carti breaking radio silence
IAM Music is done, there’s no album
Doin everhthing but dropping the album
For me Carti retired
When do you guys think IAMMUSIC will drop? will it ever drop?
Is IAM Music abandoned ?
How is march 14th possible
Why does Carti do this ?
Pre orders for box sets have reportedly started to be refunded
Quel est notre niveau de vie en étant éducateur social en Suisse ?
I don’t believe it anymore.
Are the billboards still up ?
Carti probably just woke up
5 reasons why IAM Music is dropping on March 7th
Does Carti pay for his clothes?
If the album drops on Friday
Album is not dropping anytime soon
Carti rarely explains himself