My custom dress + cape, embroidered with the Chinese zodiac signs of my family and my dogs
What Packs Should I Get on The Birthday Sale?!
For the bookish - onyx storm
My lists of skills, jobs, university degrees and aspirations!! I plant to work through ALL of them on just one sim, plus all collections etc
Never thought i’d be saying this… but I think I took the old main menu for granted 😭
Angel Tree?
Gift idea for wife (39) with no hobbies
Mom stocking
Gift idea for my Fiance
Weekly Student Thread
Ceremony ideas?
Suggestions on Strategy Game for Two
Gift ideas for school?
Men’s white/elephant / secret Santa ideas
Recs for a solid perfume - Le Labo Another 13 twin?
iud brand / gyno recommendations
I shared a picture of my dress and now I feel worse
Mild dress regret
Update: Potential reception dress came in! Same question stands: is this too juvenile?
At a loss for options after >20 years as a public servant
Too shapeless?
Warning to my fellow wedding planners: AVOID at all costs!!
Artsy Maximalism Floral Eleganza Extravaganza
I made a mistake):