Ωραία χρόνια,αγνά 🥺
Τον τελείωσε τον Ερντογαν ο Γιωργαρος
Πείτε μου έναν με πτυχίο που οδηγάει Μπουκάτι;🥺
Haelia - In-Game Animation Showcase
When she thinks she can hurt me but I've been through this.
Can we remove Tasi from the game?
I am so mad I built AAntandra
Her:how is your day?....Me:
γαμώ τα όλα
Fantastic Beasts - Sandswept Rescue Crowdsourcing
Sandswept rescue all rewards with 1 team
Early Guide to Signature Items Level 40 - By Rakudayyy & Bisdea (Celestials, Hypogeans, Dimensionals, & Awakeneds)
You guys think this is the best thing ever 😍😍?
Collections Update
Umm does everyone really think 700 diamond a week is fine from selling artefacts when it cost 6300 diamonds per week for 21 arcane staff?
Lilith I have a suggestion for the new artifact system
Ghoulish Gallery; the Worst Update So Far?
Ετοιμαστείτε για βροχές
Ρατσιστής δεν είμαι,έχω φίλους χριστιανούς,αρκεί να μη προκαλούν
Roshan had enough
Riyadh Masters 2023 - Upper Bracket Final - Team Liquid vs Team Spirit
Φωτιά στη Μαγνησία: Εκρήξεις στη Νέα Αγχίαλο
Riyadh Masters 2023 - Day 6 Match Discussions - Group Stage