Regarding Crafting in Unstable
The New Crafting System is Deeply Flawed
Hotfix 42.0.2 Released!
Is B42 still on unstable
PSA - Regarding Gun Aiming Rework
It is easier to gain weight as a female character
Level 3 carpentry wall, same level you stop learning from VHS tapes
I can’t be the only one annoyed that we can’t open and close doors anymore while eating or drinking
To the Devs - Thanks for 42
soon, we will all be paranoid
Important statement made by lemmy101 regarding the AI issues.
Newest update as of 20 minutes ago removed the controversial art, loading screens are blank.
B42's balance sucks way worse than I thought
They are using AI for loading screens.
The Main Menu and Loading Screen art were NOT made using AI according to an Indie Stone employee.
Whats up with all the AI in the new art?
Lemmy speaks out against the spiteful community
IDK why people are upset at the new moodlets, they look fine to me
am i the only one thinking these look horrendous and dunk on the artstyle?
Wait what😂
I'm a little worried about PZ's development
You should all give Yellowstone a try. Was really excited to see Bob Odenkirk put in really good dramatic performance!
How come this game never updates?
Anyone else waiting for build 42 to come out before they come back?