Do you view atypical AN as real AN?
Let's go
Just got diagnosed
Is ana b/p the same as a low number bulimic?
My friend doesn’t believe me
Is it bulimia?
Urge to purge but scared to do
How is bulimia about control?
I’m think I may be bulimic but not 100% sure
Comment on my art…
What should I name him?
What should I name him
Therapist is dropping me
Purging just to eat more?
About to break my 11 day clean streak :(
Help me not be offended by my therapist
How long does it take?
can’t help but purge, anyone else with this issue?
Is my ED even that bad or is it the ED talking?
Not ready for recovery
How do you know when to go inpatient?
Therapist threatened to drop me
I purged today….
what does my art taste like?
I hate myself so much and I want to punch myself so hard in the face