Lady freaks out on her neighbour(all 8 parts compiled)
Isitbullshit: after Hitler, no one names their kid "Adolf," Germans stopped using the word "führer" and use "leiter" (leader) instead, and no one wears a toothbrush mustache anymore?
Very simple reddit extension.
GIMP unnecessarily centering to letter size when printing labels
Corvette first wash in 42 Years
How to do that?
G.M. doesn't recognize Trumps name change of the Gulf.
Saw a "New edition of the Bible" today and I'm confused
Anyone Know Where To Source This?
Hiding info in a base64 encoded image
Done with this group
oh no
Another overtly religious revealed to be a shithead
What is a conspiracy theory that you believe?
What is this and why?
CMV: Federal Employees Have No Justifiable Reasons to Decline President Trump's Severance Package
I‘m invited to a „failed businessman“ theme party. Any ideas what I could wear?
Overwhelmed by overwhelming amounts of terminology and sales jargon
I debunked the whole Noah's Ark thing today.
Question how do you delete font font on Inkscape
The Boss Didn't Trust His Team, So I Built a System to Track Every Move We Made
IsItBullshit: Tying a hair strand around a skin tag will remove the skin tag safely and effectively?
Looking for Fabric Supplier
Tell Senator David Gregory what a monster he is. This bill is not good for our state/country/communities. When do not need to deputize citizens, it's dangerous for ALL.