Did Angron respect his sons?
Are anarchists usually pro EU?
I'm just so fucking angry at the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD
Supreme Heresy
Interrupted Reading...
Serious talk: How did mainstream gaming spaces become alt-right?
Are older people our enemies? They always seem to favor the catharsis of hurting others over instead of stuff that would help their own best interests.
At least he tried.
So, why was GI thrown in the slammer exactly?
Is there any BL reader here
This pulsating mass is the Queen Termite. Hidden deep in the colony chambers, she lays thousands of eggs per day and can live up to 30 years.
Very specific, but I just think they're neat
Boli mnie stan prawicy w Polsce
This is impossible
WHITE MEAT (ZONE 1) - OFF Original Soundtrack ft. TOBY FOX & CAMELLIA
I miss the old days
Spontenous Worldbuilding Can Occur Anywhere
Letter from former X employee admitting to election interference
Angron doesn't care as long as you don't date a word bearer, actually
[Video] Is our world run by psychopathic narcissists?
Boję się o przyszłość i nie wiem jak sobie z tym poradzić
You will never unsee it.
In the 30th Millennium this dude kills a child and starts calling himself Erebus.
Here we go.