What metal band/artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
Excuse me???
First haul :p
Gunsmith Cats has a reprint yay
Rape my wallpaper out of 10
Why is Queen so popular now?
Moments before disaster
Behelit cosplay
Alexander Armstrong: ‘I’m really angry about Starmer’s private school tax – and extremely poor’
The fuck you mean people now call Jason misogynistic?!
like punpun
Today's Haul
Another pedo has hit the overwatch community
My current setup 5 years down the line
Got some new manga!
Show me your last saved image
1 year in
Birthday pickups 🙌🏾
Will Trump's tariffs effect Omnibus pricing?
What are some series you need to be printed in English but you know probably never will?
Current collection (started roughly around 6 months ago)
1 day late Sunday (scuffed) selfie
How it feels watching shelfie sundays knowing you don’t have a shelf yet: