One of the best fixes in 1.27 that nobody is talking about.
Anyone receiving this?
Potato aim. But still won.
Official Snowboy
A nice win on official
Settings to make aiming control better in dayz on Xbox
What’s makes livonia great?
Will dupers ever be dealt with ?
Are trucks in this game made of paper???
Just found a DMR with 2 mags what do I do?
Amateur sniper here, what's your best tips?
Massive base
How do you play with friends
How'd we die? Xbox by the way.
It it a cruel joke that the engine start/stop, change seats, and throttle are all the same button?
Devs in this update please add the ability to take 1 item out of a stack
Can’t finish my dinner🫥
Patrol pants
Grenades don't count towards player kills?
Craftable pipe bomb?
Trying to understand sensitivity
Lived through this duo encounter by a pistol mag
AK vs Bizon
For All You Dayz Vets out there thinking they can brave the new map. One Question will tell me who you really are as a player.
KA-M or KA 101