There are geniuses, there are fools, then there are the idiots known as Holocaust deniers
All of them are auth right
This sub right now
Bored of contemporary politics, so here's a 2x2 Political Compass of the Rashidun Caliphs
Fuck Hitler
"nazi" was an insult in the beginning to mock the NSADP so when modern neo nazis embrace it, they just look like idiots
Based Kaiser
Alexi did NOT deserve all that
The absolute symptom of self-hate.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Silly toothbrush mustache man showing his non existent intellect
You don't have torture camps when you outsource them abroad
I like this meme template
I think Climate Change might be real, yall
Rare Willy W
Conspiracy Theories: International Edition
Well, it appears that Israel and Hamas have reached an agreement that will largely end the war in Gaza. What will Israel do with Gaza now? There are 16 options. (4x4 wojak compass)
Another win for common sense...
Should LGBT rights be protected? (responses by Africa’s youth)
I feel like making a low effort post today.
They’re both bad
This is just my opinion, but I'm not sure this is what the Founding Fathers intended (I do support American ownership of the Panama Canal though)
If you're left, this is 100% true. If you're right, this is a straw man and rage bait. Remember - no Offense
Something we can agree on