Another post on the anti-dog FB group. Idc if you don’t like dogs this is sadistic.
What is happening to my baby?
Who did this?
Only thing missing is a 2nd bird…
I ThOuGhT i HaD iT uNdEr CoNtRoL.
Obviously a Millennial lives here
If I shared with you, you best share with me or you’re just a dick 😂
I’m in this pic
yeah time to roll
Best drugs to take for a funeral
How effective is Klonopin to stop shrooms trip or weed high?
This is what I collect
Where there’s a will there’s a way
What is the least addictive drug that you’ve been addicted to?
Kratom extract shot and the taste was horrific. What should I expect from it?
Maybe I legitimately am in the wrong here?
What's your favorite niche group in Chattanooga?
alcohol or codeine? what is healthier??
How quick does xanax tolerance build
From your experiences, can you take benzos from time to time without the fear of getting addicted?
Do Any Narc Parents Make Their Kids Believe They Are The "Fun" Parent But They're Really Not?
Gotta leave the country soon