Who even is Adam?
She wants em so bad (I wont let her)
What jobs do you think the Schoppenboer parents work?
are there any ongezellig related discord servers?
Which classmate benchpresses the most weight?
What’s a storyline you wish yall could see.
Media similar to Ongezell1g? I already know about Watamote
How do you feel about the fanbase?
How did the fandom end up like it is?
We all know Coco is the most athletic of the sisters, but who is the stronger/faster between Maya and Mymy?
Who is the most hated classmate in the community?
What do you think really happened to her parents? Massa first came out and said they died in a car crash, and then recently retconned it to them dying in a lightning strike (somehow both died from the same strike)
Is Vera ever gonna get better?
What do you think the sisters are doing today? They would all be in their 20s
How do you think Meiko's family treated her after she become obsessed with the Netherlands?