Best Of Rainbow High: Day 8
You're invited to a masturbation event....
My 70s calculator collection
My typewriter collection!
what’s the drug that makes you feel the most euphoric
Best Of Rainbow High: Day 7
RH Quality / Doll Purchase Regrets
So we all agree this queen is winning the season right?
My Rainbow High doll collection!
What's your favorite Rainbow High accessory?
I still love Kia Hart!!!!
Best Of Rainbow High: Day 5
I need Pacific Coast High series 2!
Does anybody recognize this gold purse?
Brought out the OGs since I’m on a budget and can’t get the new ones atm
What's something that is more traumatizing that most people think?
Pitstop Views are Down Boooots
Best Of Rainbow High: Day 3
The Dutch SmythsToys has some good sales, among others the Sparkle & Shine dolls for €19,99 ( Free shipping still applies as far as I can tell )
Best ways to train 1 year old Schipperke (please help)
My new favorite doll 😍😍😍I got her for 30 bucks at Walmart 🤩
What's your favorite Shadow High doll?
Best Of Rainbow High, Day 2
Rainbow goddess