[Hypermyst] Season 25 Sparrow Skins 🔥
Is there any way to obtain the raw PNGs of these stickers? Would love to have them IRL for my laptop! (I apologize if post is incorrectly tagged.)
Possible Mid Season Update Tweak List: Fuse, Recon Legends, and more 💥
Ballistic adjustments possibly in Mid Season update 🛡️
slight Balance Patch was released yesterday 🔫
Never seen the meta so specific, and needed to compete.
I get they wanted to make lobby simplistic, but thats getting out of hands.
Does Respawn not care about Mixtape?
Knockdown Shields were Buffed in Season 24
Apex Legends™: Ash Free Unlock Bundle
[Respawn] Some Day 1 Updates (badges earnable in pubs)⭐
2025 anniversary event using old skins to up the prices!
Apex Legends™: Takeover Patch Notes
Teammate Footstep sounds reduced!
S24 to lower Visual Clutter
Weapon mastery trials via Yorotsuki
You will be able to earn 40-80 free packs next season! 🎁
Loba OP Bundle skin Intro
3 more overall changes coming in s24 (via @hypermystx)
[Developer Interview] Changes to Crafting, the Ring, and hop-ups are coming (3 images)
Apex Legends: Takeover Anthem Trailer
[Hypermyst] Reputation system might be coming soon!
Conure plays peekaboo
[Hypermyst] A New Legend named "Sparrow" is coming soon