BEST “Metalcore” (or close enough) songs similar to MIW style?
Whats an everyday name that you cant stand?
Songs titled “____ life”
How many of ya’ll in here developed an addiction to sparkling water after getting sober
To all the dresses I’ve tried on
I kinda hate being black
What comes to your mind when you see my Art ?
most underrated mitski song?
If you got lucky and lana was to perform for you and a few friends, on a summer night, what 5 songs would you request of her.
How did you realize you were lesbian and not bi?
If you saw me at the store would you think I was straight?
What advice would you give to someone staying in the closet due to homophobic family?
How many sparkling water cans are you drinking a day???
What color is "Texas Reznikoff", to you?
Girl wants 0 commitment after love bombing me for almost 1 month
lesbians, are you friends with your ex(s). why or why not
I made all my friends give me 5 albums to subject to your approval - who wins?
Got nothing from this. Any advice? 👍
Advice on attending the Film and Television degree?
What is something people just wouldn’t understand until they’ve experienced it themselves ?
Songs that are emotionally wrecking.
What is the name of this art style?
Where did I go wrong with this?
What was your guy’s first kiss like?
What color is "Humpty", to you?