What's your comfort item?
Write a sentence that only people who are into your special interest will understand
On average, do you feel that the positives of life outweigh its negatives?
How do we feel about TBH? Relatable? Cannot relate?
Just born today, wanna have a bad time?
How many of you like minecraft?
What’s a weird stim of yours?
Favorite Cutscene?
What does love feel like?
I hate my dad with a passion.
Told Others That I Have Autism and Got Declined From 3 Job Interviews.
who’s your favorite character, and why?
Do you guys have a comfort videogame?
those with depression, what helped you?
How do i stim less?
What social norm/s do you find paticularly stupid
What are different ways people can stim?
Did anyone else hallucinate as a child?
Bruce Wayne is Batman?
What y’all think bout the bday dress for my 16th
What’s y’alls longest special interest?
Do autistic people sway?
I just kinda wanna rant because I’m stressed and upset
I finally start Gow Ragnarök!!!
What Matt Berry pronunciation of a word cracks you up?