Songs about Nuclear War or The Apocalypse.
Name a CD you have many copies of? 🥴
AGGRESSIVE easy to learn anti-positional, open & MOBILE alternative to the Scandinavian for black?
What openings do you play?
Music videos for adults that are appropriate to show to kids?
Songs about space or space travel like Space Oddity, Major Tom, Rocket Man?
Artists that have dreamy, vibey, ethereal, music that aren’t sad?
If someone asked you what Americana is, what is the first song you would play them?
What is the very worst sports movie ever made?
What band did you see in a small venue before they broke big?
I need more folk music but I'm stuck in my scottish music bubble
Which Neil Young albums are worth giving a listen?
Great songs with a kind of alcohol in the title?
Songs with really emotional screaming
I’m looking for songs that start off slow…
Anyone into dub music?
Recommend me some new music based off of these random artists I like
Cutie Honey: The Movie (2004)
I need song recommendations!!!
Suggest more songs for my Latino/feel good Spanish playlist
Give me your favorite genre and I’ll give you a hidden gem artist!
I love discovering new music… so id like to know what songs didnt waste a second and resonate with you all. Any genre
Need something new to listen to: Rec a song and ill tell you what i like about it
Songs/albums you fell in love with on first listen or instantly put on repeat
What is a song you absolutely love that is made by an artist or band that you dislike?